Yes, I and my boyfriend are moving in to a bigger apartment today! I can't wait!
The annoying thing is that we already went to get the keys but when we got there they haven't gotten the keys yet. So we go home and calls the woman who's moving asking if we can get the keys but she says she just left to drop them off. So my boyfriend just left to go back there. It is a weary long cue and I'm so irritated at the woman. She promised us that we could move in like a week early which wasn't true at all! So I really hope that she actually is on her way to drop off the key. Don't trust her!
Anyhow. Kind of sound like I'm in a bad mood but actually I'm so exited about moving and right now I'm enjoying a cup of coffee thinking how nice it was of my boyfriend to go back alone.
And about this new blog. I'm giving blogging in english a try! So let me introduce my self (but I only have like a minit so it's gonna be a very short introduction). I'm Swedish 23 year old girl who looks like a 15 year old, haha. I come from Stockholm but live in a smaller town called Norrköping right now. I'm studying at the university, and it's my last year. I'm hoping to work with textile and exhibitions in the future! I have a blog in Swedish about my crafts and art: okashii. Why okashii? Well, when I was 14 years old I moved to Tokyo, Japan with my parents. I hated it as first being a teenager with no knowledge about the country. But things turned to the better when I started to like it and getting friends. I miss Japan a lot and I really hope I can go back soon! okashii was one of the first Japanese words i learned. It has many definitions and the most common one is strange and weird. I felt that I was very okashii back then, not really fitting in and having my own style and look at things. To day, too me it still means strange but of course in a good way!
Ok, this firt entry was a bit messy, but it will get better!
Think I should go met my boyfriend now and look at the apartment! FINALLY! Will post pictures later!
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