
Sunday, May 29, 2011


I fear I'll have to stay at home for at least a couple of days with my sore throat but at least I can get some studying done anyway. My art history class is currently reading On Photography by Susan Sontag and I find it really interesting and also useful for my essay. I have to work on my 20 pages essay I'm writing with a friend and a 6 paper essay about a quote by Kandinsky "Every work of art is the child of its time" and the seminar about the book On Photography.

I rather be out and about but it's not totally bad being at home drinking tea, reading, writing and cuddling with my chihuahua.


  1. thank you for the sweet comment! for washi tape, you should check out this website:

    & good luck with your studying!! i admire how unfazed you are by the amount of work you have to do ;)

  2. cheers up for your study (:
    and your dog is cute♥

  3. Joyce: That's a great link! Thank you so much! I still have time to finish everything so the stress hasn't hit me yet!

    Monmo: Thank you! ♥
